Last 4 ayat of surah hashr
Last 4 ayat of surah hashr

BUT I ALWAYS GAIN THE CONSCIOUSNESS WHEN THE EJECTION IS JUST ABOUT TO TAKE PLACE- AND ALL OF THIS STARTS WITHOUT MY WILL( i DON'T KNOW HOW DOES THIS BEGINS WHILE I AM SLEEPING - could it be the case that some shaytan or jinn makes this happens)? Please tell me a way to get out of this problem I also try reciting Ayat al kursi before sleeping. BUT I DON'T WANT TO MASTURBATE, NEITHER I WANT TO DO THIS FILTHY THING DURING MY SLEEP OR ANYTIME. It gives me the same feeling as masturbating when i move. i am able to stop this moving, thereby preventing any ejection.and sometimes I just cant do it since the ejection is just about to take place. While sleeping I start moving against the bedding (as someone would move while doing intercourse) I don't know when do i start moving during my sleep and by the time I gain my actual consciousness I am already moving against the bedding and about to eject. But now from around past 2 or more years, I face a problem during sleeping. Long ago I used to masturbate, But Alhumdulillah ,with the grace of Allah S.W.T i was able to overcome it and have left that filthy habit for around more than 3 -3.5 years. I have a question regarding my personal problems. I am giving my final exams please tell some dua and wazifah that I get pass in my exams. Please provide me with an effective wazifa to get married asap.

last 4 ayat of surah hashr

Assalaamu `Alaykum Maulana saheb, - Please provide me with an effective wazifa to cure my skinn problem on my private parts, which the docters can't do anything about. My question is - What is mentioned in books related to this issue and what can i do to be forgiven by God. This crime by me is always in my mind and i want to seek forgiveness from God. I have been viewing porn or photos of naked women for several years. What surah should a women read while she is pregnet to have a healthy,intilegent,well mannered, obeying, pious baby? What can she read to have a baby boy? and what can she read to have a baby girl? And i had read on ur site that one can read Ya Latif 111 times after every fardh namaz with durood 11 time before and after for how many days should one do this? aprox how long does it take them to get married? JazakamuAllah Katira 9890 views

last 4 ayat of surah hashr

How to get a continued halal rizq? 1939 views my husband is looking for a job.its been 5 months now.but he is still unable to find a good permanent job.please suggest some dua i can read so that he finds a job soon so we can be togetehr n settle down.and what more can i do so that he can get more interview calls.thankyou 815 views my family is completely worried abt this. Can you please suggest a dua for my sister who is trapped in a non-muslim's hand. The dua we read, from the hadith when we go to bazar for the reward, can I read and get the same reward if I do online shopping, like in Amazon, EBay? 975 views

Last 4 ayat of surah hashr